Large Bouquet or Statement Piece

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Coming in June!

Are you looking to make a statement, is this an extra special occasion or someone? This bouquet wows. Our large bouquet is double the size of our regular size and will include designers choice of what’s seasonal and blooming. A large vase is included for you to keep or recycle. Delivery is included within a ten mile radius of our Norwood location. Same day delivery is available but please contact us directly to confirm.

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Coming in June!

Are you looking to make a statement, is this an extra special occasion or someone? This bouquet wows. Our large bouquet is double the size of our regular size and will include designers choice of what’s seasonal and blooming. A large vase is included for you to keep or recycle. Delivery is included within a ten mile radius of our Norwood location. Same day delivery is available but please contact us directly to confirm.

Coming in June!

Are you looking to make a statement, is this an extra special occasion or someone? This bouquet wows. Our large bouquet is double the size of our regular size and will include designers choice of what’s seasonal and blooming. A large vase is included for you to keep or recycle. Delivery is included within a ten mile radius of our Norwood location. Same day delivery is available but please contact us directly to confirm.